
  • New service - hiding copyright

    Great news from! By popular demand, we have launched the "Hiding Multilink Copyright" service, thanks to which you can remove the mention of our service from the bottom of your mini-site. Give it even more personality!

  • is 2 years old!

    Today our service for creating multilinks and electronic business cards turns 2 years old. We are actively growing and are not going to stop there.

  • Background settings of

    Our free service has a cool update: we added a possibility to change the background of your personal page and set a certain color or use an image for it. That'll help you to make your page brighter and more individual...

  • Important updates of online transactions receiving, text editor

    Have you already created a link for every purpose in our service? Now you have even more reasons to do it because of two important updates...

  • New multiple links of users

    Recently we launched, a new service that will help you to make a mini website for social networks or a digital business card to make the exchange of contacts more convenient. So you will have just one link for every occasion: for Instagram, negotiations...

  • One link for all occasions...

    For Instagram, for negotiations, for acquaintance — this is how we now present the capabilities of our service.

  • Users' multiple links at

    Recently we launched, a new service for creating multiple links and increasing sales on social media. You can easily create nice mini-sites with basic information about yourself or your company, unlimited links to online courses, events, digital goods and services, as well as feedback through instant messengers.

  • First updates of the service

    A month has passed since the start of, our new service for creating multiple links and increasing sales on social networks. All this time we have been actively developing new "things", looking for errors and answering users' questions. Does everything work?

  • New service — Nethouse.ID

    Almost 10 years ago we launched the Nethouse website builder, a service that has largely changed the way Russian Internet users suppose how to create online stores, business card sites and landing pages. Today we are entering the market...